Monday, April 26, 2010

Angola and Brazil 1999

Mulemba Xangola by Bonga, Marisa Monte and Carlinhos Brown from Onda Sonora: Red, Hot and Lisbon

Two of the Tribalistas and the great Bonga from Angola come together on this track. Part Semba da Angola part Samba da Bahia, this song bridges the Black Atlantic renewing old lines of civilization and communication.

Angola, from around 17th to 19th century, was almost a commercial dependency of Brazil putting Lisbon in an awkward colonial predicament. In 1822 when a constitutional monarchy was established in Portugal an Brazil declared its' independence from Portugal, many Angolans agitated to be annexed by Brazil.

Since the devastating civil war in Angola, these two countries have renewed their old cultural and economic relationship. Angola is now the country that receives the most financing from Brazil and the number of Brazilian companies in Angola has increased by 70 percent over the last five years (statistics from 2007).

"Salvador da tradição
Mulemba xangola
Unidas nações
Sauda-veis agora"

"Salvador of tradition
Angolan Mulemba (Mulemba or Ficus Thonningii: a tree indigenous to Africa)
Nations United
Now Healthy"

***This one is for my boy Jeff Seltz, a brother from another mothership, who just spent some time in Angola. I remember you freaked out when you first heard this song at a bar in Fortaleza years ago. Well hear it is! Mulemba Xangóla 1.mp3

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